Video Length: 58 min
Haida Language/Storyteller: Ḵáawan Sangáa, Woodrow (Woody) Morrison
Video recorded by: Laurel CB Stranaughan
Xaad Kil captions by: Todd @G̱íihlgiigaa DeVries Xaad kil phrases described in this video
Everyday Phrases (see also Oct 4th) NOTE: Practice only one and use it until you become comfortable with it then add another. Dagwáang (a as “u” in Sun say 'Du-gwaang'.) - Dear one (younger male or female) Gunáa ("aa" as “a” in father) - Dear boy/young man Áang Dagẃaang – Yes dear one. Gei Dagwáang – No dear one. Diinaa -- Hawíit ("ii" as “ea” in bean) - Come here Hawíit Dagwáang – Come here dear one. Hawidáan - in a hurry/quickly Háws.dluwáan (a as “u” in Sun)- That’s enough/stop it. Híndaa - Scram Díi guudangáay sdáng. - This person is two-minded/undecided Díi guudangáay st’ígang. - This person is being sad Guudangáay kláatsgaa. - strong-mind Díi guudangáay kláatsgaa. - statement of unconditional support. Guudángáay hltanáa. - soft-mind/heart (care about other's feelings). Hal guudangáay hltanáa. - That person thinks kind things. Gúlgaa - to be enjoyable/full of fun Hal Gúlgaagáng. (That person is full of fun.)