Duration: 36 minutes
Haida Language for Friday September 6, 2019
at Strathcona Community Center
with Woody Morrison, BA, JD
video and xaad kil captions
by Todd G̱íihgiigaa
Haida Words used in this recording:
Sángs Ḵ'áangal SG̱áanuway
Sángs X̱aanuwaay
Jaat'áay Ts'uswíi
SG̱aawaay Ḵ'uuna
Nang Ḵ'al hlG̱ahl
Ts'áak' X̱aat'áay
Quiz yourself after watching the video and write out in English what they mean. Watch again and see if you got them correct.
Next Haida Song Friday September 13th, 2019
6:30pm-8:30pm with Kelly Love Spence
Rehearsing the Entrance / Peace song.
Please sign-in at the front desk. Haw'aa
Next Haida Language Class with Woody Morrison
is Sunday Sept 15, 2019 from 10:00am-noon
at the Strathcona Community Center, Main Activity Room
601 Keefer Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Email me if you want special snacks! Donations welcome!
Funded by First People's Cultural Council: BC Language Initiative in collaboration with the Strathcona Community Center Association and the Vancouver Haida Elder Collective